Saturday, September 8, 2012

the adventure is just beginning.

"You need to start blogging again!" my friend says. "I know," I reply, "but I feel like I wouldn't know where to begin or how to start again...there's too much to say and not enough time." 

If you could look in my drafts, you would see that I have really tried to start again. There have been days where I have made myself sit down and try to blog again, but the words never come. Maybe it's because so much has happened recently that I don't know how to even begin to tell you about this Summer. Then again, maybe it's that I feel like I just can't put things into the right words. 

But, I've missed it this Summer--being able to just sit and pour out my thoughts into this blank white box, waiting to be filled with words. While writing is often one of my favorite things, it can also be something that frustrates me and fills me with intimidation. I struggle with what I should say--are these thoughts things that I want to share with the whole world? Or are they things that are better kept inside? 

I have decided though, that this little space of the Internet is something similar to what my life would be like if it was written in a book form. It would be an odd book. Some parts of it would be terribly exciting, while other parts, filled with tears. There would be chapter after long chapter that would be boring and seem quite useless all together. Maybe there would be sections that would keep you turning page after page, wondering what was going to happen next. Yet, as silly as this all may sound, that is how my life is. It's a story. A new page is added to it every day. The best part is that I'm not even the author of it--God is. 

So, naturally, if my life is like an ongoing book, then this blog would follow suit. As I live out this adventure, I want to be able to chronicle it as it happens. I want to cherish it. The ups and downs, the heartache, the struggles, the joys, the laughter. Just, life. In all it's messiness. 

Finally, after a blogging break that has lasted far too long, I'm back. Excited and ready. The adventure is just beginning.