Hey y'all!
Wasn't yesterday just wonderful? Food, family, everything! I wanted to share with you, a couple of things I'm very thankful for...
A- amazing friends B- Bible C- {my} cell phone
d- dogs, little ones! e- email
f- friends, I love y'all! g- the grace of God H- {MY} HOUSE
I- ice cream j-jokes k- kisses from Mei-mei
L- lip gloss m- my mom n- netflix o- old navy
P- PURSES Q- quotes, especially inspiring ones!
s- sunshine t- target! u- ultra amazing earrings
w-washing machines x- 'xtra cute shoes
y- yellow pencils z-zebra stripes
Life is good!
For our turkey day, we got to go to my grandma's house, which was amazing, as always!
Here's some pics from yesterday!

Hope your turkey day was as amazing as mine! I'm so thankful for all of you! :)
sounds like you had a great time! I know I did and I gained a few. . . . . ;)
luv ya!
ahhh food... yes, I had a good time. it actualy felt like Thanksgiving, taht was suprising. I stuffed myself full to the rim and almost blew up! I felt so sick at the end... ;)
ahhh food. good stuff a'nt it? ha, I had a good day. it actualy felt like thanksgiving! that was suprising. I stuffed myself full to the rim and nearly blew up! I felt so sick... it was the best! :D
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