Hey Everyone! This is something I borrowed from Emily's blog, which she borrowed from someone else. (Lots of borrowing happening here, folks!) Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
- High heels of boots? Boots!
- What time did you get up this morning? Um, I think 7:00...but I'm not positive!
- What was the last movie you saw at the theater? Toy Story 3
- What is your maiden name? Same as the one I have right now!
- What is your favorite TV show? I love extreme makeover home edition.
- What do you usually have for breakfast? I really depends on my mood. Some days, I have cereal, some days, eggs...Then some days I have waffles. But most days, I don't have breakfast...weird I know!
- What is your middle name? I have two, Jo Anne.
- What food do you dislike? Pickles
- What is your favorite CD at the moment? Prelude to a Dream
- What characteristics do you despise? I hate it when people think they are so amazing when they're really not. =P Also, when people think they're like your best friend, and you just meet them like a day ago.....annoying!
- Favorite clothing? Jean walking shorts and any blouse
- Anywhere in the world on vacation? France
- Are you an organized person? I would hope so...but then again maybe not.
- Where would you retire to? I really don't know. It would depend.
- What was your most resent memorable birthday? Um my first one....who could forget me being born?!!
- What are you going to do when you finish this? School.
- Furthest place you have ever been to? Hawaii.
- Person you wish you could meet? My grandma.
- When is your birthday? December 28th 1997.
- Are you a morning person or a night? Morning.
- What is your shoe size? 9 1/2 Big, I know!
- Do you own any animals? None!
- Any news you'd like to share? I'm getting a new i.d. card next week! I hope this one won't be as dorky as the last!
- When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A librarian...not anymore though!
- What is your favorite flower? Daisy
- What is the day on the calendar you're most looking forward to? Tuesday...school again, after fall break!
- If you were a crayon what color would you be? Light pink
- How is the weather right now? Absolutely gorgeous!
- Last person you spoke to on the phone? My dad
- Favorite drink? Peach iced tea
- Favorite restaurant? Panera Bread
- Hair color? Brown
- What was your favorite toy as a child? My American girl dolls...but now they're all in boxes.
- Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter? Summer and Winter....polar opposites, but I love 'em!
- Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate...what girl doesn't love it?
- Coffee or tea? Both, any time, any where!
- Wish you were still young? Still am!
- Do you want to get married? YES!
- When was the last time you cried? I'm not going to tell...
- What is under your bead? built-in drawers.
- What did you do last night I slept!
- What are you afraid of? Robbers!
- Salty or sweet? Either
- Best quality you have? Um, you'll have to ask my friends about that!
- How many years at your current job? Let's see I'm in seventh grade....so eight. =)
- Favorite day of the week? The Lord's day!
- Favorite movie? Letters to Juliet
- I am skipping this one! Good choice!
- Do you like finding this stuff out about your friends? Yes!!
- What book are you reading? Actually, I'm not in the middle of anything right now. Text books for school I suppose!
Ok, there you go! 50 random things you probably never even needed to know about me! (Did you notice that I'm getting better at updating more frequently?!?!!)