Tuesday, July 5, 2011


As I sit here, the rain pouring down from the sky, the sounds of classical music in the background, I am reminded of all we have been given in our blessed lives. Sometimes, or I should say, too often, I begin to dwell on the things in my life that I wish were different or the things that I'm struggling with. While those things do have places in our world, I like to begin to think about all I have been given, all I have in Christ, and all that makes the world beautiful. As I watch the sun slip behind a cloud, or hear the chirping of birds outside my window, or open my bible to a beautiful passage in the Psalms, it makes me thankful.

The fourth of July was beautiful.

The fourth of July was amazing.

The fourth of July was full of memories...and I loved it.

We went to my Aunt's house. It's a beautiful farm house in the country, I loved the scenery around it.

It was such a pleasure to spend time with family and friends, making memories, recounting past days of smiles and laughter.

It was a wonderful day. One of those days where you just sit back and breathe in the moment. Savoring each laugh, each hug, each minute spent with the people you love.

It made me thankful for the freedom we have. The ability to worship the Lord, the freedom of speech, and our country in general. I love the fourth--the feeling of patriotism, the love of our country, and our heavenly father that has given it to us.

{watch the video!}

How was your fourth of July?

{p.s. I'm sorry this post was a bit late, things have been pretty busy, but that's life, and i love it}

1 comment:

Kendall said...

Your Fourth of July looks fun! Great pictures. :)

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