Wednesday, June 29, 2011

{black and white wednesday} a precious little face

Today we got Pre-Approval for Isaac!

Pre-approval is when the Chinese people say that you can for sure adopt the child that you are wanting to adopt. So, as you can imagine, we were very excited.

Pre-approval also means that we can finally share his picture. So, with out further ado....

Here is Isaac Xiao Hui, my new little brother.

Dear Isaac,
Today we were told that we can officially adopt you! I'm so excited to have yet another little brother. I can not wait to see your little face in person, and hold your little hand. I love you already. I love your little smile. I love your little almond shaped eyes. I love that you're a part of our family. One day in the not-too-distant future, I will meet you face to face, how I long for that day! Is it possible to miss someone you've never met? If it is, then I miss you and your brother Joshua so much. But I know that God is preparing both of your hearts for us, and our hearts for you and Joshua. I love waking up in the morning and seeing both of your pictures on the table by my bed, and I love thinking about how one day when I wake up I'll be able to see your little face in person. With every day that goes by, I'm a day closer to meeting you, isn't that exciting!?
Love your big sister,

the long road