Monday, May 24, 2010

a mei-mei for me. a jie-jie for her.

Holding my sister for the very first time!
The first pictures I ever saw of my little sister

The day I met my little sister was probably the BEST day of my entire life. The two times my parents told me that they were going to have a baby, I ALWAYS wished and wished that it would be a girl. Almost all my friends had little or big sisters and to me it always seemed like they were having fun together. Laughing, telling secrets, and doing all sorts of fun things. It was almost like an insta-friend. You didn't have to have your mom call her mom to see if she could come over to hang out. She was always there. To most girls with little sisters it's more like yeah she's ALWAYS here. That's my problem!!! But even though I knew it could get annoying, just like brothers where, I still really really wanted a sister of my own. But both the times after me, that my parents came home from the hospital it was never a girl. And believe me I LOVE my brothers. They're funny, they're wild, they can be a lot of fun. But at the same time, being all the fun they are, they're still boys. Boys who play with {pretend} guns, who like to beat each other up for fun, boys who call everyone 'dude'. They're not sisters you can tell secrets too, not sisters who have hair you can style (although, sometimes, they do let me gel their hair =). And they're not sisters who have nails you can paint. I mean they do have nails, I just can't paint them! =)
But they're awesome 'dudes' who are actually really fun to hang out with. And even though they are, that doesn't make them sisters!
But I wanted a sister. So so badly. It's hard to explain why I wanted one that much. But I did. I guess maybe I wanted to see what it was like. To see if it was as bad as some of my friends said it was to see what exactly what it would be like. Would I like it? Would it be really fun, or would I rather just have brothers? Would I enjoy it, or miss being the only girl? I wanted to find out.
One day, at our morning devotions we have with our mom before we start school, my mom said "wouldn't it be cool if we could adopt a baby?" and she went on to say she had been thinking about it a lot. It was a big concept to get your head around.
I'm not exactly sure what I said or what I even thought about it at the time. I can't remember if I was really excited or if I thought it would never happen. I'm not sure. But knowing me, I can guess I was feeling a little of both. I can get really excited about things, but sometimes, when I know that it's a very unlikely thing to happen I can be inwardly excited but still in my mind not let my self get too too excited.
What ever my feelings were at the time, I know the prospect of having another sibling and maybe a sister this time excited our whole family. Mom and dad continued to talk about it, and pray about it a lot. And one day they reached a decision. I wish I remembered that day, the day that they told us we would be getting a little sister, but I don't. You'd think after all those years of wanting a little sister I would remember that day, that they told me that dream would become a reality. But even though I don't remember that day, I remember being excited, telling my friends, and thinking about how it would all work out. Would she like me? Would she be girly or would she be a tom boy? The question of would she be a girly-girl or not, although being one of the silliest question I had, was probably the one that troubled me the most. It's a silly thing to think about really. But if she was the type of girl who is always climbing trees instead of picking flowers. Or if she liked to play with the boys rather then having a tea party with the girls? Being the age I was those things where the things I did. The things all the girly-girls did. I was one of the girly-girls. That was for sure. I wondered if she wasn't like me, how was I supposed to play with her every single day? And how would I share secrets with a girl who wouldn't even care? I was so so afraid, how ever much it was a strange fear, that she wouldn't be like me. I dreaded the days we had to go to some one's house who wasn't a girly-girl, how would I live with someone like that?
I can remember how the next couple of months where filled with going building to building, my parents signing paper after paper, getting this piece of paper work notarised, and mom and dad getting their thumb prints taken yet again! I thought it would never end. The countless days of sitting in those dreaded waiting room chairs, having nothing to do but watch other parents trying to get their kids to sit for just 'five more minutes' . Getting tired of people calling my mom and dads names to go sign even more pieces of paper, then them coming back to the waiting room to get us, with the people who worked there behind them saying 'we waited so patiently'. All that Caleb Josiah and I cared about was getting out of there, and going home, all the while in the back of our minds thinking we where one signature on another piece of paper closer to getting our sister form China.
Finally, we finished all the signing of papers, the taking of finger prints, and the other lovely things of filling out paper work, and sent it off to China. They finally approved it, and thus began the process of waiting and waiting and waiting!
While we where waiting, spring time came on the lovely island of Hawaii, and that means one thing- time to move again! Of course, this time it would be a little different, because we where going to get out of the Air Force. Meaning, my dad was no longer to going to be a Maj. and he would have to find a job somewhere else. It was really weird, to think it would be our last move with the military. To think, we would no longer live on an air force base, or have to move every three years. They were thrilling thoughts, but at the very same time terrifying. Everything I had ever known would change. Our mail would no longer be addressed to Major and Mrs Andrew Leong. When someone asked where my dad worked I couldn't tell them he was in the Air Force. I'm not sure which part in that scared me the most, except that I knew everything would be different. But I knew the Lord would provide for us, just as he always does for his children. He would not just leave us alone to fend for our selves. He planned everything that has happened in my life and everything that will happen. And it's such a comforting thought. To know he is always always with us. And he won't leave us or forsake us.
So, we left for Colroado Springs, CO. You wouldn't believe how even though we where scared to be leaving the military, we where SO excited. So excited. I don't know why but it was almost a sense of freedom. To know, unless my parents want to move somewhere for some reason, we won't have to move so much. We wouldn't have to start all over again. It was thrilling.
We made it to Colorado. My dad found a wonderful job, we found the best church we've ever gone to, the Lord was providing for our every need.
But, the adoption process was taking forever! We had been waiting for a little less then two years for our baby, but it seemed like much much longer then that.
Finally, on June 24th, Josiah's 6th birthday, we got a call. We where watching something on TV, (I think it was Hannah Montana =) and we where eating lunch at the same time. I had come upstairs to get a spoon, and the phone started ringing. I can remember how I looked at the caller ID, and it said Chinese Children Adoption International, our adoption agency. I as soon as I saw that, I started freaking out. Jumping up and down, and screaming to mom that they were calling (I think I must have been just a little excited=) And if you know me well, you know that I HATE running, unless someones chasing me or something....But I can remember running SO fast to hand the phone to mom. She started freaking out too! We where all freaking out so much, that we totally missed the call. Then mom's cell phone started ringing, because the lady was trying to get a hold of us! We all ran up stairs and mom answered it. The first thing the woman said was "would you like to see your daughter?". Caleb, Josiah and I started jumping up and down. None of us could believe that after such a long time of waiting, the day was actually here that we would see a picture of our sister. It was so unreal. We all ran to the computer room, and mom went to her email. There right in front of us where pictures of OUR little sister, the one I had been waiting for, for my whole entire life!!!!! I thought she was the most gorgeous baby I had ever seen. And she was MY sister! MY sister. The one I had been dieing to have for years. And there she was! A gorgeous face, perfect almond eyes, and perfect little pink lips. Could she be anymore perfect??
In the following months, we waited for different pieces of paper to arrive form China, saying that mom and dad could fly on this date and go and get her!! We were EXTREMELY excited! We bought her little diapers and dresses and little snacks and cups and lotions and that baby soap that smells really good. We packed up all her little dolls and toys for mom to take to her.
Finally, the day came where mom and dad where leaving to China. They left REALLY early in the morning, and our grandparents came to stay with Caleb, Josiah, and I. I can remember the night my mom called and said they had just met her and they where playing with her in their hotel room. I could actually hear her laughing in the back round. I can totally remember hearing her for the first time. The little squeals of joy when dad gave her another cheerio, and I can remember hearing dad taking to her in the back round. I cried and cried that night. I felt so so so thankful that I actually had a sister. That we finally got her. I makes me cry when I remember it. It was such a beautiful feeling to know that after waiting and waiting, there with my mom and dad, was Moriah Mei Leong. MY sister. I was so extremely amazed, that right there, although half the world away, was my sister.
Finally after two and a half weeks of my parents being in China with that gorgeous baby sister of mine, the day came where they would get to come home. To Moriah's real HOME. And we would be a family. A complete family. A mom, a dad, an older sister, two brothers, and my little sister. Perfect. Really really perfect.
My grandma and grandpa made us these tee shirts to wear to the air port with Moriah's picture on them. I remember getting a hamburger before he went to the air port, and being so excited I couldn't even eat my meal! I showed almost everyone in the entire restaurant my shirt, and told them all about how I was going to FINALLY meet my sister!
We drove to the airport, and we rode the elevator up to the second floor. All my cousins and aunts and uncles where all gathered around. Waiting. Just like we had been waiting. And now the day I had been dreaming about for so long was here. I didn't meet my sister in the hospital, and I didn't meet her when she was a little baby. I didn't see her ultra sound picture, like I had my brothers. But I did see one thing in mother's arms. A little girl. A girl who was my sister. Right there was my very own sister. I held her and I felt so amazed that this was really her. And she was right here. And I was holding her! I will never ever ever forget that day. Not as long as I live. All the nights I lay in my bed, thinking about that day when I would go to the air port and parents would have a baby girl in their arms, that day was now. Words can not describe how I felt. It was unreal. All I could do was stand there and thank the Lord, for giving me this perfect sister.
I am so blessed and honored to be this little girl's big sister. The Lord knew all along that I would be able to have a sister of my own, and he knew it would be Moriah. Moriah has been such a blessing to me, and I am so thankful the Lord allowed me to be her Jie Jie and her to be my mei mei!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

100 random yet, awesome things about me-part 1

Hola! Happy Friday everyone! Anyway, I saw this post on someone else's blog and it had 100 random things about her on it, and I thought it would be totally fun to do for my blog. Ok, let's see if i can actually come up with 100...=)

  1. I own over 90 lip glosses. I guess with that many, I must have well glossed lips! LOL!

  2. I've been taking piano lessons for 5 years. I LOVE it!

  3. I'm obsessed with checking my email. I do it far to much.

  4. I finished my science coarse yesterday. YAY!!! That means I'm done with everything in school except for math...annoying math...oh that gives me another idea...

  5. I DO NOT like math!

  6. I've played soft ball for two years, this year will be my third and I am so excited for it to start!

  7. Lately almost everyday, I've been saying "I am so excited for Summer!"

  8. I LOVE the game Apples to's especially fun to play it with my brothers' friends...I know weird, but they make me laugh SO hard.

  9. I've walked on a real volcano

  10. My dad recently got rid of cable and it's not as bad as I thought it would be! Shocking!

  11. I'm going to a school called College pathways next year! I think it's going to be so cool! If I'm still doing College Pathways, when I'm in high school, I could graduate with an associates degree! AWESOME!

  12. I got my second sunburn last talk about painful!

  13. I really need to clean my room....and I mean BADLY!

  14. I love listening to the news on the radio in the morning.

  15. My toe nails are painted a coral pink

  16. My finger nails are painted purple

  17. I am so excited to see one of my besties preform in her school play tomorrow! They're doing 'Alice in Wonderland' and she's Alice! She's going to be so fabulous!

  18. One of my many life-long dreams is to travel to Paris

  19. I call my sister my best friend, even though she's only three. I love her so much!

  20. I absolutely positively LOVE our church. It is beyond AWESOME!!!

  21. In fifth grade I did a six page report on "The history of the Wedding Dress"...that was the best school assignment EVER!!!

  22. This year, in sixth grade, I did a 5 page report on The history of the Olympics

  23. In fourth grade, I did a 7 page report on Florence Nightingale....clearly see is the easiest to write on...=)

  24. I'm not really sure what I want to do when I grow up...which I think is sorta weird, I mean most kids have it figured out...but I'm not really that sure...any ideas?

  25. I absolutely despise overalls....I guess they're sort of ok, on little kids, but like on older kids and *shudder* adults....EW.

  26. The longest I've ever been away from my parents, was when they went to China, to get Moriah...which was almost 3 weeks.

  27. Last night at dinner in my bowl of fruit salad I found a straw berry that was shaped like a heart!! I took a pic. of it...I'll have to show you some time!

  28. I'm really sore form working out on the wii fit plus yesterday, that thing can give you a work out let me just tell ya!

  29. I'm really having trouble coming up with these! Could you tell?

  30. This morning I had this really good granola, that my mom made!! I LOVE her granola!

  31. I have three really awesome grandmas! Three? You ask...yes three! How awesome is that?

  32. I have um......around 40 cousins on my mom's side of the family. Of course, that's including second cousins....but still a lot!

  33. I LOVE girl scout thin things EVER!! Especially if you freeze theme and then eat them cold! Goodness!
  34. I have never bean out of the US
  35. I'm not sure weather I am a morning person of a night owl
  36. My mom just told me to write and I quote "My mom wears her pants too high, but she likes it that way." (THAT'S what I call random!!)
  37. I have two middle names. And it REALLY annoys me when people think it's all one. It's Jo (SPACE) Anne! Not Joanne! Oh and Anne with an E. Plain anne is just way too boring!=)
  38. I have never broken a bone...but I have had x-rays....but they were for my make sure I didn't have pneumonia. I didn't. It was bronchitis....
  39. I have been to both Disney world and Disney land. Disney world when I was 3 months old, and Disney land, when I was 9....I also had bronchitis while we were there. YUCK!
  40. I can't wait till the day I get Married and have kids
  41. The best gift I have ever been given is salvation!
  42. The most embarrassing that has ever happened to me...was on the fist day of fifth grade...I almost walked to the boys bathroom...I was inches away from walking right into in it, when my teacher yelled, "you might want to use the other one!" I took her advise. (Actually that's not the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me...the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me is so embarrassing I'm not even going to tell it to you!! =)
  43. My ears have been pierced for 2 years. I got them pierced on my 10th birthday. I cried when they did it...but hey it hurt. I had a right!
  44. If my shoes could talk I think they would say that I desperately need to buy some Summer shoes! I agree with them!
  45. I absolutely hate gym class!
  46. I can not leave home with out my purse
  47. My favorite Ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip
  48. My pet peeve is....Well, i have a ton, so it wouldn't be fair to pick just one!
  49. If I were stranded on a desert island, three things I would love to have with me, my purse, and someone to save me!!
  50. The car I would like to drive someday....I would LOVE to drive one of those pink ones they give you when you sell enough Mary Kay...But I don't want to sell Mary Kay. Maybe they sell those cars on eBay..?
Well, that's all I can think of today...come back next time for another installment of......100 random yet, awesome things about me!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

beauty is every where, you just have to look.

Have you ever just stopped and looked around you? Beauty is every where! Seriously! Until about a week ago, I had never really thought of how everything, has beauty in it! Even if at first glance something is annoying or even ugly, if you really look at it, there's so much more to it. SO MUCH MORE. I know how I can get tired of looking at the same things. But the other day, when I was outside, I was looking around and I realized how much I take things for granted. Maybe I sound like I'm being a little over dramatic when I say everything has beauty, but if you really think about all the things we see everyday and how we just pass them by with out even thinking of how amazing or maybe even strange or creative they are. Everything God made in creation is simply amazing. The imagination put into everything in Nature is astounding. And to think God made it by the word of his mouth is even more amazing. How do the flowers know when to bloom? How does the sun to know when to rise and set? God created it so that it does. Which is SO amazing!
We look around us and what do we see? The same things we see everyday. But shouldn't we see more then that? Shouldn't we look around and just not know what to think? God created the world so intricately. So creatively. Shouldn't we stop and realize how amazing it all is?
I want to challenge my self to not take it all for granted. I think our culture is so caught up with hurrying around with our lives. With getting everything done that needs to be done. But shouldn't we sometimes just take a breath and thank the Lord for giving us the beauty of nature? I want to take time and 'smell the roses'. At least just once in a while. The Lord put so so much thought into creation...and I'm so so glad he did.
I want to really look for the beauty that is every where. It's truly amazing!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

hello bloggy world!

Hello Bloggy world! It's so nice to be here!!
I am so excited to introduce to you, my very own blog! Ta-Da! I am REALLY happy to have one of my own!

I suppose a good way of stating this fabulous new blog is to tell you about my self! Here it goes.....

Well, I was born in Florida in December of 1997. At the time, my dad was in the US Air Force. My mom had been a teacher before I was born, but once she had this wonderful bundle of joy (Me!) she decided to stay home with me! And for that I think I always be very grateful! It's so awesome to have your mom around all the time! Anyway, around the time I was two, we moved to Alaska. About a year after we moved there, I had the pleasure of becoming an big sister! Caleb was born in July of 2000. And from there on out, I was known as the oldest child in the family.

A short number of years later we {again} moved. This time to somewhere not as extremely awesome as Alaska, but we enjoyed living in New Mexico just the same. When we were there I again became a big sister to a little bro named Josiah. I think that I really hoped Josiah would be a girl, but my awesome dad came up with this story about how only girls who have two little brothers are allowed to be princesses. So, after I learned that bit of info you can imagine I LOVED having two little brothers...and I'm really glad I do have two of them now too, because they are like THE best of friends! Anyway, we lived in NM for three years, then we moved to what some people call 'paradise'. Yup you guessed it, we moved {again} to the really gorgeous, but really hot state of Hawaii! I know what you're thinking; I wish I could live there! And yeah I would agree with ya totally, but there are those not SO awesome parts about it too. Don't get me wrong, I loved the beaches, the sunsets, the flowers, and all, but living on an island is not all it's cracked up to be! The bugs, just let me tell you the bugs....well let's just say, they are freakishly big! Not kidding you. And the geckos were EVERYWHERE!!! Eve-ry- where! They even were there while you were taking showers! E.W. Don't even get me started on the rats. Oh my lands! You have no idea.

But even though there were MANY unpleasant parts of living in 'paradise'. We loved a lot of things about it too! By then, I had figured out the whole 'girls who have two brothers are the ones who are princesses' story, so I was REALLY wanting a sister! My parents had always been interested in adoption...or at least my mom had. But my dad was starting to think about it too. After praying about it a lot my parents started the {very long} process of adopting a baby girl from China!!!! I was SO excited! It took us so long! Two and a half years!

Now, we live in Colorado Springs, and I finally have a baby sister!! Her name is Moriah. She is three years old and she's been in our family now for one and half years. We love her SO much! She's starting to learn to talk and the things she says are so funny! I'm so glad to finally have a sister of my own! We are so blessed to have her as a part of our family!

I'm now and 6th grade and I'm 12 years old. I am a sinner saved by the grace of God, and I seek to glorify him in every thing I do. I've been home schooled all of my life, except for this year. This year I've been doing an on-line academy. Which has been an....interesting experience. To put it shortly, I'm not doing it next year! =)I LOVE fashion, and my friends will agree when I say I am in love with the color pink! There's so much more I could tell you about me, but for tonight I think this will have to be enough! =)